This is the first place I stayed when I first came to Denver in 1986. The Haters had been invited by Paul Dickerson and Mark Metz of We Never Sleep to perform at their Exotic Arts Fest. It was the first time a performance of mine ended in a full scale riot. It was also the first time I actually felt at home somewhere. So much so, in my heart of heart, I still think of Denver as my hometown.

Denver is where both I and my work came of age. The next two years there saw my most outrages performances ever staged anywhere. The building where I stayed in 1987 isn’t there any longer, but the apartment building where I lived in 88 with Paul and company remains.

In the early 90s, travelling back and forth between California and Europe I would stop off in Denver for months at a time. This noisy house was both a home and an arts space. The only time Jello Biafra ever attended a Haters performance, was in the basement of this house in 1992.