Monday, August 25, 2014

Clici-Clicing (March 9, 1992)

Building empty holes, GX Jupitter-Larsen & The Haters all using amplified hole-punches on sheets of cardboard & tinfoil. For 20 minutes, the sound of popping was amplified as an entwine of distortion & feedback. Chad covered everything.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Pump-Powered Permawave (August 15, 2014)

A variation of the Pump-Powered Permawave which had Jessica King operating the PPP while Elden M, Jackson Wallis, and Lorenzo Abattoir provided additional sounds. GX Jupitter-Larsen did the live mix of all these. Officially, the 405th performance by The Haters.

Still photos by Aaron Dilloway.

A more complete listing of performances can be found at:

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Pump-Powered Permawave (August 6, 2014)

GX Jupitter-Larsen operating the Pump-Powered Permawave. Performed live at Human Resources, Los Angeles Chinatown August 6 2014. A more complete listing of performances can be found at: