Friday, April 20, 2012

Mind The Gap (Northampton, 1996)

On April 20 1996 in Northampton MA, GX Jupitter-Larsen used a staple-gun to break and shatter a stack of 91 LP records. Placed on a small table, the records had been bolted together. The longer the stapling went on, the shorter the stack got. Staples and cracked vinyl sprayed everywhere. The staple-gun was mounted with two contact-mics. Hear a short excerpt of the resulting distortion HERE !

1 comment:

JIM HAYES said...

hey man-that sounds good-your pictures look great, i used the map of CA to cover a paint peeled wall-trying to finish Girl Talk is a Scorpio this wkd-the last line is gonna be: but if GT made a record out of toothpicks, would it sound like the Haters?